Oxidative stress modulates the organization of erythrocyte membrane cytoskeleton

Journal Title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 0


Background: Apart from their main role in transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide, erythrocytes play also an important role in organism antioxidative defence. Direct exposure to reactive oxygen species (ROS) results in shortening of their half-life, even by 50%. The presence of glucose, being the substrate in pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) cycle, is one of the factors that can have influence on the level of oxidative stress. The activity of PPP increases during oxidative stress. Glucose guarantees normal PPP functioning with the production of reductive equivalents in the amounts necessary to reproduction of glutathione – nonenzymatic free radical scavenger. In available literature there are no reports regarding the changes in protein contents of erythrocyte cytoskeleton exposed to t-butyl hydroperoxide in relation to glucose presence in incubation medium. Material/methods: Erythrocytes taken from 10 healthy subjects were used to assess the influence of generated free radicals on erythrocyte proteins and chosen parameters of oxidative stress. Erythrocytes were incubated in the solutions containing deferent concentrations of t-butyl hydroperoxide and glucose. Electrophoresis was performed on polyacrylamide gel in denaturating conditions. The contents of tryptophan in membranes was evaluated spectrofluorometrically. Results/conclusions: In vitro conditions oxidative stress leads to protein damage in erythrocyte cytoskeleton, both in proteins inside the cell as well as having contact with extracellular environment. In consequence, the amount of low-molecular proteins – mainly globin, which bind to cytoskeleton, increases. This process takes place independently of glucose presence in incubation medium. One of the element of protein cytoskeleton, tryptophan, also undergoes degradation. The decrease of its contents is higher during erythrocyte exposure to t-BOOH in environment containing glucose, what can suggest prooxidative influence of glucose in conditions in vitro.

Authors and Affiliations

Maria Olszewska, Jerzy Wiatrow, Joanna Bober, Ewa Stachowska, Edyta Gołembiewska, Katarzyna Jakubowska, Małgorzata Stańczyk-Dunaj


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How To Cite

Maria Olszewska, Jerzy Wiatrow, Joanna Bober, Ewa Stachowska, Edyta Gołembiewska, Katarzyna Jakubowska, Małgorzata Stańczyk-Dunaj (2012). Oxidative stress modulates the organization of erythrocyte membrane cytoskeleton. Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine, 66(0), 534-542. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-66743