The efficiency of the bactericidal action of serum raised by complement and lysozyme against bacteria which avoid the immunological response of higher organisms

Journal Title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue


This paper presents some processes of the antibacterial effect of serum, which mainly results from the activities of complement (C) and lysozyme (muramidase, LZ). The C system consists of a group of serum proteins and tissue fluids which are activated in a particular order. Complement, operating together with lysozyme, constitutes the main protection from microorganisms entering the body. Pathogenic microorganisms are able to avoid natural protective mechanisms by, among others, molecular mimicry, binding complement control proteins, or secreting proteolytic enzymes. The effectiveness of the cytolytic action of C proteins and LZ also depends on the surface structures of the microorganisms. Imbalance between the activation and deactivation of inflammatory reactions in the presence of pathogens can lead to various pathological states, such as autoimmunological diseases.

Authors and Affiliations

Bożena Futoma-Kołoch, Gabriela Bugla-Płoskońska


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How To Cite

Bożena Futoma-Kołoch, Gabriela Bugla-Płoskońska (2009). The efficiency of the bactericidal action of serum raised by complement and lysozyme against bacteria which avoid the immunological response of higher organisms. Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine, 63(), 471-484.