Pain assessment in the course of cerebral palsy - a review of methods used in the practice of a physiotherapist, doctor and psychologist

Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2017, Vol 21, Issue 2


Cerebral palsy (CP) is a syndrome in which movement and posture disorders are progressive, along with the stationary nature of damage to the central nervous system. Despite the heterogeneity of clinical and functional status, patients with CP are a group of patients at high-risk of the occurrence of diverse pain.<br/><br/>The aim of this study was to review literature on the phenomenon of pain in the course of cerebral palsy. An attempt was made to present the characteristics of the phenomenon of pain, and gather tools for its evaluation.<br/><br/>A review of Polish and English language literature, in which the issue of pain in the course of cerebral palsy was discussed (in terms of epidemiology, characteristics and evaluation methods). Research papers and reports from the past 15 years included in the databases: PubMed, Medline and websites of Polish medical publishing houses, were analyzed. The works were searched using the key words: cerebral palsy, mental retardation, pain, pain assessment scales.<br/><br/>Patients with cerebral palsy – due to their chronic health problems and performed diagnostic-treatment and physiotherapeutic treatments – are at risk of experiencing acute and chronic pain. There is a need to improve knowledge regarding the phenomenon of pain in patients with CP. The optimal course of therapy in this group of patients requires comprehensive and multi-faceted co-operation of doctors, physiotherapists, psychologists and patients as well as their immediate caregivers. Professionals working with patients suffering from CP should be aware of the potential pain causes, possess assessment tools and have the skills and, above all, the desire to use them.<br/><br/>cerebral palsy, pain, pain assessment<br/><br/>Received: 18.09.2016; accepted: 22nd Jan. 2017<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Agata Michalska, Małgorzata K. Szerla, Łukasz Przysło, Jolanta Dudek, Dorota E. Ortenburger


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How To Cite

Agata Michalska, Małgorzata K. Szerla, Łukasz Przysło, Jolanta Dudek, Dorota E. Ortenburger (2017). Pain assessment in the course of cerebral palsy - a review of methods used in the practice of a physiotherapist, doctor and psychologist. Rehabilitacja Medyczna, 21(2), 25-32.