Pancytopenia: A multidisciplinary assessment of hemato-etiological and clinical spectrum in a tertiary care hospital


Background: The causes of pancytopenia range from simple, completely treatable diseases to serious life-threatening conditions. A thorough evaluation of these cases is mandatory as it would benefit the patients to receive appropriate treatment. Objectives: Evaluation of etio-hematological and clinical spectrum of pancytopenia. Settings and Design: A prospective study of two years (Jan 2016 -December 2017) was conducted on pancytopenic patients, attending Navodaya Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Raichur, Karnataka. Material and Methods: Etio- hematological and clinical evaluation was done considering the relevant biochemical and serological investigations. Results: A total number of 1368 of cases were diagnosed as pancytopenia. The patients’ age ranged from 19 to 68 years and M: F ratio was 2.1:1. Most frequent clinical symptom was generalized weakness (90%) and least was bony pain (2%). Peripheral smear examination revealed predominantly macrocytic blood picture (47.9%). Bone marrow aspiration was performed in 444 cases (32.4%), among which Megaloblastic anaemia (Exclusive and Combined with iron deficiency anemia) was the commonest (52.7%). Etiologies of pancytopenia in decreasing order of frequency included Megaloblastic anemia {935 cases (68.4%) – Exclusive type (713 cases; 52.2%) and Combined with iron deficiency anemia (222 cases ;16.2%)}, followed by Dengue fever (141 cases ;10.3%), Hypoplastic/Aplastic anemia [106 cases ;7.8% (Drug induced - 4 cases; 0.2%)], Septicemia (60 cases ;4.5%), Leukemia (46 cases ;3.25%), Chronic malaria (46 cases ;3.25%) and Myelodysplastic syndrome (34 cases; 2.5%). Conclusion: Keeping in mind varied etiologies of pancytopenia, thorough diagnostic evaluation is required to achieve better clinical outcome.

Authors and Affiliations

Trupti Vyasrao Katti, Anantharao Shankar Anand Anand, Tejeshwini Patil, Sangeeta Seshagiri K.


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  • EP ID EP498483
  • DOI 10.17511/ jopm. 2018.i4.12
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How To Cite

Trupti Vyasrao Katti, Anantharao Shankar Anand Anand, Tejeshwini Patil, Sangeeta Seshagiri K. (2018). Pancytopenia: A multidisciplinary assessment of hemato-etiological and clinical spectrum in a tertiary care hospital. Pathology Update: Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 4(4), 365-374.