Parchomovich Brothers, The Alumnus of Kyiv Theological Academy: Educators, Theologians, Historians

Journal Title: Київська Академія - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue


This article can be identified as a study designed to determine the effect of Kyiv Theological Academy as the educational and intellectual center spreading modern cultural practices on the territory of the Russian empire (the late 19 th – early 20 th century). In the spotlight there are biographies, theological and humanitarian heritage of the Parchomovich brothers Basil (later Archbishop Athanasius), Andrew, and Joseph. Their activity in Bessarabian schools, mass media, and public societies had been continuing for almost 80 years (1853–1932). The most obvious finding to emerge from the systematization of biographical and bibliographical materials is that the Parchomovich Brothers belonged to the group of the regional intellectual elite from the entourage of Kishinev bishops and took active part at the implementation of their educational and missionary projects. Hence the Parchomovichs were the conductors of Russification policies, they honestly and selflessly worked for spreading and strengthening Russian Orthodoxy, education, and culture in Bessarabia. However, taken together, the results of the study suggest that the Parchomovich Brothers’ activity promoted the emergence of the key modern social institutions and relationships. Firstly, it is difficult to overestimate their contribution as school managers and teachers to the development of the regional educational system. Secondly, the Parchomovichs’ active participation at many missionary, educational, scientific, and charitable organizations was very important for the consolidation of Bessarabian society and learning civil solidarity practices. Finally, their historical researches were one of the preconditions for emerging special forms of regional self-conscience and cultural identity.

Authors and Affiliations

Svitlana Kuzmina


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  • EP ID EP509504
  • DOI 10.18523/1995-025x2016120073
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How To Cite

Svitlana Kuzmina (2016). Parchomovich Brothers, The Alumnus of Kyiv Theological Academy: Educators, Theologians, Historians. Київська Академія, 0(), 33-61.