Journal Title: Przegląd Wschodni - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue 51


The decision to open the General Sejmik of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) came about in 1573 and was recorded in the so-called “Henrician Articles”. In accordance with them, the Sejmik was to take place in Vawkavysk, and from 1588 onwards in Slonim (both cities are now found on the territory of Belarus). Its goal was for senators and deputies elected to the Sejm to meet and compare their instructions in order to work out a united standpoint of the GDL to later bring to the Sejm. In essence, the range of topics discussed was wider, as the conference included discussing instructions sent by the king, as well as everything that its members felt to be important. Already in the 1620s, attendance at the Sejmik was so low that no resolutions were passed. In the opinion of the author, the absence of senators and deputies was a result of the fact that its resolutions had no influence on the course of debate in the Sejm. In addition, the trek to Slonim meant a significantly longer and harder journey for many of the deputies. It should also be noted that the time period separating the various Sejmiks was usually so short, that arriving on time to Slonim and then the Sejm was often difficult, if not impossible. Participation in the Sejmik at Slonim always increased the cost of taking part in the Sejm. On another note, the author also points out that not everyone who went to Slonim also later took part in the Sejm and reflects on possible reasons for this, though he does not settle on one unequivocal answer.

Authors and Affiliations

Henryk Wisner


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How To Cite

Henryk Wisner (2014). Parę uwag O SEJMIKU GENERALNYM SŁONIMSKIM Czasy Zygmunta III. Przegląd Wschodni, 13(51), 691-703.