Patologías mamarias en pacientes atendidas en el hospital “Carlos Andrade Marín”. Enero-octubre 2013

Journal Title: Revista Eugenio Espejo - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue 1


A research with a mixed approach, of a descriptive observational type, of a cross-sectional nature was carried out in order to characterize the mammary pathologies, as well as the risk factors in the patients treated in the Mastology consultation of Ecuadorian Social Security Institute "Carlos Andrade Marín" Hospital, in the city of Quito, during the period January-October of 2013. The entire population (326 female patients) was included in the study; in which the range of 40 to 60 years of age prevailed, and the family history of breast cancer. Patients mainly attended the consultation of Mastology because of the presence of nodules. 88.9% of cases were diagnosed with benign lesions and 80.1% with malignant ones. e most frequent anatomical-pathological presentations in patients diagnosed with LMB were given due to fibrocystic changes 39% and fibroadenomas with 30%. Irregular contours were seen in the images of the malignant diagnoses in an ultrasound study, contrary to what happened in the benign ones. The diagnosis of certainty of malignant mammary lesions was mainly in the early stages by allowing the adoption of more effective therapeutic measures.

Authors and Affiliations

Erika Lizeth Sananay Auquilla Hospital Militar HB-11, Ecuador Edwin Danilo Salao Pérez Hospital Gineco–Obstetrico Luz Elena Arismedy, Ecuador Jessica Monserrat Toscano Guacho


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Erika Lizeth Sananay Auquilla Hospital Militar HB-11, Ecuador Edwin Danilo Salao Pérez Hospital Gineco–Obstetrico Luz Elena Arismedy, Ecuador Jessica Monserrat Toscano Guacho (2017). Patologías mamarias en pacientes atendidas en el hospital “Carlos Andrade Marín”. Enero-octubre 2013. Revista Eugenio Espejo, 11(1), -.