Pattern and indications for adult permanent teeth extractions in Zamfara state, Northwest Nigeria

Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2015, Vol 68, Issue 2


Aim of the study. To determine the indications and pattern of tooth extraction in adult patients seeking care at the Dental Clinic of Federal Medical Centre, Gusau, Zamfara State between January 2011 and December 2012. Material and methods. The case records of patients seen at the Dental Clinic of the Federal Medical Centre, Gusau, Zamfara state between January 2011 and December 2012 were retrieved from the Medical Records Department and analyzed for gender, age, indication for extraction and tooth/teeth extracted. Result. A total of 1470 teeth were extracted over a two-year study period. There were 739 (50.3%) males and 731 (49.7%) females (M:F = 1.03:1). The age of the patients ranged from 14 to 90 years (mean = 34.4 years ± 13.4 SD). Among the teeth extracted, 1347 (91.7%) were due to caries and its sequelae, 84 (5.7%) and 34 (2.3%) were for periodontal disease and trauma respectively. Caries and its sequelae was the principal indication for extraction across all age group. The modal age group was 20-29 years. Higher proportion of extracted teeth was from the lower arch and the lower left quadrant. Molars made up 80.2% of all extractions with first molars predominating (50.1%). The ratio of mandibular to maxillary molars was approximately 2:1. Conclusion. Dental caries and its sequelae was the primary indication for tooth extraction in the study followed by periodontal disease and trauma. Hence, it is our opinion to urgently adopt preventive oral health policies to bring about reversal in the current trend.

Authors and Affiliations

Olanrewaju Taiwo, Omotayo Sulaiman, Olubunmi Shoremi, Jibril Danlami, Omokunmi Adeniji, Wasiu Olawole


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  • EP ID EP77003
  • DOI 10.5604/00114553.1156240
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How To Cite

Olanrewaju Taiwo, Omotayo Sulaiman, Olubunmi Shoremi, Jibril Danlami, Omokunmi Adeniji, Wasiu Olawole (2015). Pattern and indications for adult permanent teeth extractions in Zamfara state, Northwest Nigeria. Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne), 68(2), 183-190.