Pattern of antibiotic prescription and physicians’ opinion on the resistance of antibiotics used in enteric fever in Bangladesh: a cross sectional survey

Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) - Year 2016, Vol 11, Issue 1


Enteric fever remains to be a major health problem in Bangladesh. Emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella typhi has further complicated therapy by limiting treatment options and thus has created a major clinical problem worldwide. The study was aimed to determine- i) the trend of antibiotic use and causes of antimicrobial resistance in enteric fever through physicians’ opinion and ii) the scenario of antibiotic use in different areas in Bangladesh by prescription survey. This cross sectional survey was conducted by a selfdesigned standard questionnaire and data were collected manually from November 15, 2013 to January 18, 2014 from three district cities of Bangladesh: Dhaka, Rajshahi and Khulna. Data were collected by directly interviewing the physicians who were treating at least one patient with enteric fever during the study period and from the patient’s prescriptions. A total of 200 physicians were interviewed and a total number of 276 prescriptions were analyzed. The highest prescribed antibiotic for typhoid fever was cefixime (32.61%) followed by ceftriaxone (24.28%) and azithromycin (14.13%). Ciprofloxacin was found to be the most resistant antibiotic in typhoid fever according to doctors’ opinion. Two or more antibiotics were found to be prescribed in 63.27% of prescriptions. A complete direction for antibiotics use was given in 54.08% of prescriptions and 64.29% patients completed full course of antibiotics. Although 84.69% prescriptions had no clinical test for using antibiotics, the percentages of patients’ disease recovery were 65.31%. Most of the physicians believed that irrational use results in bacterial resistance to antibiotics in enteric fever. Our findings are important for developing public awareness and education in antibiotic use.

Authors and Affiliations

Joya Roy, Hasan Imam Zahid, , M Salahuddin Bhuiya1, Saquiba Yesmine


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  • EP ID EP383400
  • DOI 10.9790/3008-11144147 .
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How To Cite

Joya Roy, Hasan Imam Zahid, , M Salahuddin Bhuiya1, Saquiba Yesmine (2016). Pattern of antibiotic prescription and physicians’ opinion on the resistance of antibiotics used in enteric fever in Bangladesh: a cross sectional survey. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS), 11(1), 41-47.