Peculiarities of Forming Ecological Competence among Future Mining Engineers


Sharp ecological issues require qualitative ecological education that provides the formation of ecological world outlook among future specialists who will be able to carry out their future professional activities taking into account the possibilities of nature. This issue is of urgent importance especially for technical specialists, in particular for the field of ''Mining'' where specialists deal with the breach of environment. This needs the development and introduction of education technologies, which would provide finding the optimal ways of forming ecological competence among future specialists. The article describes and analyzes the actual ideas of applying educational technologies of training and teaching in a higher educational establishment. The scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, observation and generalization are used for the development of technology of forming ecological competence and its constituents among future mining engineers. The author substantiates the introduction of pedagogical technology of forming ecological competence among future mining engineers in the process of their professional training. The paper examines the main stages of the technology realization, namely, motivational and orientation, cognitive and integration, resulted and estimation. According to every stage the paper determines the goals, contents, forms and means of the technology of forming ecological competence of future specialists. The author shows the role of humanitarian, natural, and professional oriented sciences for forming the constituent parts of ecological competence. The paper determines the leading training forms and methods that influence the formation of ecological competence of specialists in the field of "Mining".

Authors and Affiliations

О. L. Herasymchuk


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How To Cite

О. L. Herasymchuk (2018). Peculiarities of Forming Ecological Competence among Future Mining Engineers. Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка, 93(2), 52-57.