Peculiarities of the formation of gender equality in Ukraine

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 185


Gender equality is defined as a process of equitable treatment of women and men; one of the important aspects of the rule of law; indicator of the level of development of an open society; term of prosperity and democracy. Gender parity promotes new, modern ideology of equality and includes the following components: gender equality is considered as an integral part of all policies, programs and projects; achieving gender equality requires the recognition that should be taken into account the specific interests of women and men in the shaping of policies, implementation of programs and projects; gender equality means equal rights and opportunities should be provided regardless of gender; women's access to decision-making at all levels is a central issue in achieving gender equality; for achieving gender equality is im- portant to ensure equal participation of men and women as equal actors in the economic, social and culture-processes; gender equality can be achieved through partnership between women and men on the basis of parity democracy.

Authors and Affiliations

O. Y. Kashaba, I. V. Shcherbina


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  • EP ID EP499431
  • DOI 10.31174/SEND-HS2018-185VI31-07
  • Views 128
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How To Cite

O. Y. Kashaba, I. V. Shcherbina (2018). Peculiarities of the formation of gender equality in Ukraine. Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(185), 33-35.