Peculiarities of the strength effects of level ice fields on hydrotechnical structures


Ukraine is a maritime state. Ports of Ukraine are located on the Black and Azov seas. During the time of former Soviet Union on the continental shelf belonging to our country prospects for the development of hydrocarbon reserves were explored. To become an energy independent state, it is necessary at the present time to develop conceptual projects of various types of offshore structures, depending on the depths of water, natural and climatic and engineering-geological conditions. All types of hydraulic structures are subject to the force action of drifting level ice fields during the term of exploitation in the winter periods of the year. The ice loads considerably exceed the wave loads and are actually the main ones. In the process of designing hydraulic structures when calculating ice loads, it is necessary to take into account the thickness and area of level ice fields, as well as their physical-mechanical characteristics. The recommendations of the norm on the calculation of ice loads from level ice operating in our country a prior assume, that the summary ice load on the designed structures does not change the point of application and direction in space and is considered as static load. Numerous large-scale experimental studies on the cutting of level ice fields by cylindrical obstacles of various diameters have shown that the process of ice destroying is variable. In this article, based on the analysis of ice load implementations obtained experimentally, it is shown that the resultant ice load when cutting out level ice by supporting parts of hydraulic structures changes its point of application and direction in space in time. This circumstance should be taken into account when assessing the stress-strain state of the soil foundation under the foundations of hydraulic structures of the gravitational type.

Authors and Affiliations

S. I. , Rogachko


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How To Cite

S. I. , Rogachko (2018). Peculiarities of the strength effects of level ice fields on hydrotechnical structures. Вісник Одеської державної академії будівництва та архітектури, 1(72), 146-152.