Pedagogical Conditions for Forming Students of Technical Colleges Mathematical Competence in the Process of Professional Training
Journal Title: Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка - Year 2018, Vol 92, Issue 1
Analysis and study of psycho-pedagogical and special literature allowed outlining the main concepts of the problem, which allowed differentiating the main features of the mathematical competence formation, the main pedagogical approaches that improve the process of training specialists in technical specialties. Thus, the modernization of production, the introduction of scientific and technological advances and the latest technology, the use of state-of-the-art equipment in the labor market sharply determines the demand for highly skilled specialists. A number of factors influence the definition of the necessary pedagogical conditions for mathematical competence formation. The best way to ensure the quality of basic training is to include the student in active work and a realistic analysis of various types of practical and mental activities. Technological support of the educational process determines and promotes active pedagogical interaction of the teacher and the student. It is important to remember that the quality of education is a generalized indicator of the development of society in a certain time dimension. She also pays attention to all aspects of higher education: academic and academic programs, academic and research work, faculty and students, training facilities and resources. The quality of education determines the conditions that are relevant to the quality of student training, infrastructure, and learning environment. One of the important conditions for the formation of competence is psychological readiness for the chosen profession. It is important to make a forecast based on the person's predisposition to a particular type of activity.
Authors and Affiliations
G. L. Serbyn
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