Педагогічна система формування готовності майбутніх офіцерів запасу до військово-професійної діяльності


It is critical to understand that any pedagogical system should be effective and efficient to involve a set of interrelated elements and processes necessary to positively affect students’ performance and outcomes as well as favor their personal self-establishment. There has been considerable interest in adapting military training packages for application in civilian education and training institutions. The rapid changes in technology, tactics, and missions that are characteristic of today’s military operations require matching agility in the design and development of training and education system. These changes must be made quickly and efficiently. In this context, it is worthwhile to consider all favorable conditions for designing a pedagogical system as the integrity of the educational process. Accordingly, it is necessary to achieve the harmonious interaction of all its elements both horizontally (within the period of training, the semester or the academic year), and vertically – for all time training with reserve officers’ training packages. Respectively, changing one element of the teaching system will involve the others. Noteworthy, this is exemplified in the gradual improvement of the teaching and learning process, including the syllabi, approaches and assessments. The authors believe that it is critical to enable a more systematic approach to educate future officers at HEI with approaches to systematization of the process of military training of students/civilians according to the syllabus of reserve officers’ training in military institutions of higher education (HEI) and military training units of institutions of higher education (ROTC of HEI). The scientific and methodological analysis, conducted at the philosophical, scientific and professional levels proved the feasibility of developing a purposeful and powerful integrative pedagogical system for future reserve officers’ preparedness for military-related activities. It accentuates the realization that although students/civilians are learning mainly for the purpose of serving the Ukraine Armed Forces, they are also a part of the Ukrainian society. In this respect, they need to be given the experience as cadets and regular citizens. This can be obtained from the learning environment at the HEI; the academics and supporting staff and the rapport built between them and the academics and military instructors. What is more, a balance of learning theories of behaviorism and constructivism that allows the graduates to develop as followers and eventually leaders.

Authors and Affiliations

Ярослав Зорій, Валентина Богатирець


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  • EP ID EP478933
  • DOI 10.32919/uesit.2018.03.02
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How To Cite

Ярослав Зорій, Валентина Богатирець (2018). Педагогічна система формування готовності майбутніх офіцерів запасу до військово-професійної діяльності. Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology, 6(3), 12-20. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-478933