Pengembangan Modul Pemrograman Komputer Berbasis Matlab
Journal Title: JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1
This research is a development to produce product in the form of teaching materials in Matlab Based Computer Programming Course in Mathematics Education Program of FKIP UMM. Development of teaching materials is done through 4 stages called 4-D namely: Define, Design, Develop, and Dissemination. These teaching materials include sequential structures, branching structures and looping structures developed in the form of several computational mathematical application programs. In the expert validation stage obtained the level of the average validity of 4.13, which means "valid". Then on a limited trial of teaching materials in 5 students of Mathematics Education Studies Program of FKIP UMM, the average student gives a response of 73.42% which means "good / practical". While on field trials in 20 students of Tadris Matematika FITK IAIN Mataram, the average student responded 78.62% which means "good / practical".
Authors and Affiliations
Syaharuddin Syaharuddin, Vera Mandailina
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Pengembangan Modul Pemrograman Komputer Berbasis Matlab
This research is a development to produce product in the form of teaching materials in Matlab Based Computer Programming Course in Mathematics Education Program of FKIP UMM. Development of teaching materials is done thro...