Переклад юридичних термінів у польсько-українському контексті спадкового права (лексичні та граматичні аспекти)
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue
The article investigates the process of translating inheritance law terminology on the basis of the Polish and Ukrainian languages. In order to discuss the nature of translation and the peculiarities of legal translation the approaches of Polish, Ukrainian as well as other linguists and translators were taken into consideration. Scrupulous study was dedicated to the concept of equivalence. Thusly, Nida’s formal and dynamic equivalence was introduced and compared to Kielar’s, Kierzkowska’s and Pienkos’ legal translation. The skopos theory of Ch. Nord was discussed in the context of legal translation. Because theory is closely connected with the functions of the translated text, close attention was paid to Kielar’s parallel texts approach. Moreover some Ukrainian linguists were quoted regarding the case of borrowings. The article contains a wide range of examples taken from the Ukrainian and Polish Civil Codes.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Oksana Borys
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