Performance of Fixed Speed Wind Turbine Generating Systems in Power Flow Solutions
Journal Title: International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue 9
An increased penetration of wind turbine generating systems into power grid calls for proper modeling of the systems and incorporating the model into various computational tools used in power system operation and planning studies. This paper proposes a simple method of incorporating the exact equivalent circuit of a fixed speed wind generator into conventional power flow program. The method simply adds two internal buses of the generator to include all parameters of the equivalent circuit. For a given wind speed, the active power injection into one of the internal buses is determined through wind turbine power curve supplied by the manufacturers. The internal buses of the model can be treated as a traditional P–Q bus and thus can easily be incorporated into any standard power flow program by simply augmenting the input data files and without modifying source codes of the program. Available Transfer Capacity (ATC) of the power system also observed without and with fixed speed wind generator. The effectiveness of the proposed method is well discussed with various cases on the IEEE 30-bussystem.
Authors and Affiliations
Pichuka Anvesh
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