Perfusion computed tomography in the diagnosis of acute focal neurological symptoms – a report of four cases
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2013, Vol 26, Issue 10
Perfusion computed tomography (PCT) is used for acute stroke evaluation, single reports suggest, that it may also falsely identify patients with neurological deficits related to seizures. We report four cases of patients with acute focal neurological symptoms, without ischemic focus in routine computed tomography (CT), who underwent PCT and electroencephalography within 12 hours after symptom’s onset. Patients have finally been diagnosed with ischemic stroke with secondary hemorrhage (case 1), postictal Todd’s paresis (case 2), hemiparesis in course of seizure (case 3) and ischemic stroke with concomitant nonconvulsive status epilepticus (case 4). The results suggest, that PCT may be significant in the differential diagnosis of acute focal neurological symptoms.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Kubiak-Balcerewicz, Urszula Fiszer, Ewa Nagańska, Cezary Siemianowski, Aleksander Sobieszek, Agnieszka Witak-Grzybowska, Aldona Kosińska-Szot
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