Pericolul miturilor politice asupra dezvoltării instituțiilor politice democratice și societății civile

Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 1


This article reflects the influence the political myths have upon the democratic processes. Political myths are a particular category of myths, which focus on political subjects. They can be defined as ideological stories that offer a specific meaning to the past or the present, and offer predictions on future events, which are considered valid by a group of people. It is very important to study the link between symbols and politics, as well as their capacity to influence the conscience of the masses, in order to fight against the influence that myths have on the decisions of the citizens. The article offers a general analysis on political myths and on the way they have influenced the last important electoral processes, offering solutions that would reduce their influence on the public opinion.

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How To Cite

(2019). Pericolul miturilor politice asupra dezvoltării instituțiilor politice democratice și societății civile. Moldoscopie, 0(1), 138-143.