Persistence and effectiveness in goal directed activity: The effect of situational context and the strenght of will

Journal Title: Roczniki Psychologiczne - Year 2011, Vol 14, Issue 2


The purpose of the present study (N = 120) was to examine whether persistence and effectiveness of goal directed activity depend on situational context (control vs. autonomy support) and individual difference in efficiency of control action mechanisms. The theoretical background for the choice of independent variables included Richard M. Ryan and Edward L. Deci's Self-Determination Teory and Julius Kuhl's strength of will conception. The results confirmed the interactional effect of the situational context (control vs. autonomy support) and individual difference in the efficiency of ac­tion control mechanisms on persistence and effectiveness. The indexes of persistence and effective­ness were greater for state-oriented participants with externally controlled instructions than for indi­viduals who received autonomy-supportive instructions. Action-oriented participants were less in­fluenced by the specific way of motivating (control vs. autonomy), however, when the effect of the situational context was stronger, action-oriented participants had lower indexes of persistence and effectiveness. In the context of external control, state oriented participants had higher indexes of persistence and effectiveness as compared to action-oriented participants. In the autonomy-support context, action-oriented participants had higher indexes of persistence and effectiveness than state-oriented participants.

Authors and Affiliations

Romana Kadzikowska-Wrzosek


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How To Cite

Romana Kadzikowska-Wrzosek (2011). Persistence and effectiveness in goal directed activity: The effect of situational context and the strenght of will. Roczniki Psychologiczne, 14(2), 159-187.