Personal self-improvement of future teachers in the process of preparing for work in inclusive environment of preschool education
Journal Title: Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах - Year 2018, Vol 60, Issue 1
The article is devoted to the search for effective ways to ensure the personal self-improvement of future teachers of preschool education in the process of their professional preparation for work in the inclusive environment of the institution of preschool education. The questions of preschool education teacher`s preparation for work with children with special needs that require urgent solution are determined, in particular: creation the conditions for changing the value orientations and spiritual development of preschool education teacher`s personality, who is capable to educate the tolerance and charity in children, providing tools and models of alternative education, assistance in mastering technologies, methods for working with children with special educational needs, removing the psychological “barrier” of harm of inclusion for another participant in the process and preventing “handicapism”. It is noted that a specialist working with children with special needs in the inclusive environment of pre-school establishments should have a high level of their own activities regulation, should be able to control themselves in stressful situations, to react quickly and confidently in a changing situation and make decisions; must have skills that will cope with negative emotions, relaxation skills, anger management, the ability to adapt in difficult random situations. Groups of tasks for personal self-perfection, which reflect the competence of teachers within inclusive education, are formulated. According to the results of the diagnosis, the level of future pre-school education teachers` readiness for personal self-improvement and ensuring the effective interaction of children in the inclusive environment of preschool education institution are characterized. The pedagogical conditions of ensuring the effectiveness of the process of personal self-improvement and teachers` preparation for work with children with special needs in the inclusive environment of preschool education institution are described, in particular: subject-personal, organizational-pedagogical and resourceful. Methodical strategies for ensuring the process of personal teachers` self-improvement regarding their education for the creation of an inclusive environment in a pre-school educational establishment are characterized.
Authors and Affiliations
Х. А. Шапаренко
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