Personalistic Ideas in Philosophy of ХІХ–ХХ centuries

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 3


The article presents the main personalistic ideas of French, German and Polish philosophers. German and French philosophers concentrate in their writings more on the dignity of the person, on his or her rights and freedom. The main theme of Polish personalists is an attempt to determine who the person is. The theme of his or her essence is the individual relation with the other, with the individual community and with the world also. The main representative of French personalism is Mouunier. He spoke about two forms of personalism: theoretical and pragmatic one. He also presented the distinction between an individual and a person. He emphasized the character of a person he or her sacrifice, gift and an important role of love in his or her life. It is noted that the most peculiar form of personalism was created by American philosophers and thinkers - they were rooted in the American idea of democracy, imbued with idealistic, pragmatic ideas. A general description of the scientific work of representatives of American personalism, represented by two schools, California and Boston, is made. The American staff of the California School observed the relationship between personality development and social development. On the path of social integration, in their opinion, a person develops his or her potential through dedication to oneself to God and to the whole society, which is an essential source of socialization, as well as self-realization and development. The California School of Personality proclaimed the thesis of democratic and universal personalism, the primacy of the public good over the interests of the individual. Polish personalism is represented by such philosophers as K. Wojtyła, C. Bartnik and W. Granat. They are reflecting the problems role of Christian personalism and its role, the understanding of the person, his or her dignity, rights and social dimension.

Authors and Affiliations

Viktoriya Luchytska


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How To Cite

Viktoriya Luchytska (2019). Personalistic Ideas in Philosophy of ХІХ–ХХ centuries. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(3), 159-173.