Philosophical retrospective review of establishing the environmental education

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 5


Given the todays problems, when in the context of globalization the relationships between humans and nature are changing adversely, the chosen topic is relevant. The problem of environmental responsibility for social, economic, political, technical, scientific, cultural and other human activities is fundamental. The relevance is also due to the need for a philosophical conceptualization of environmental knowledge to include the attitude to nature itself as the highest value that contributes to forming the vital and value orientations of modern humans. This paper deals with philosophical comprehension of the evolution of environmental education. The goal of the paper is to clarify the regularities, characteristics of essence and content of establishing the environmental education, using integrated information to receive a detailed picture of the dynamics of its development. The reasons for this are different, but the dominant of environmental education with regard to theoretical forecasting of the future always remains invariable. Therefore, there is a need to reform the education system in accordance with the realities and demands of the modern life, while developing the positive achievements and heritage of the world and Ukrainian educators and researchers. The education faces a difficult task: to direct the man and society at transforming the nature from the object of activities to the media of the highest value – the value of life. Therefore, environmental education should form the human responsibility for nature, its preservation and renewal of life and realize its vital value in practice. It was proved that only interrelation of technocratic, humanitarian and environmental thinking should provide forward-looking educational system where environmental issues will be fundamental in educational programs of each and all specialist and profession-oriented subjects.

Authors and Affiliations

Nataliya Anatska


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How To Cite

Nataliya Anatska (2016). Philosophical retrospective review of establishing the environmental education. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(5), 162-170.