Perspectives of transformational shifts in Ukraine and Poland through the prism of values survey
Journal Title: Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 54
The article is devoted to the Values Survey in Ukraine and Poland. The assessment of economic transformation should be comprehensive and the prism of values might give a deeper insight on country’s development. The values are important as in both countries it’s the people who vote and select the leaders who decide what way to rule the country We have selected some of the polls that we think are determining the institutional environment in Ukraine and for definition of the trajectory of the transformation of the national economy. It should be noted that the results are presented for Ukraine back in 2011, which, in our opinion, makes it possible to fundamentally assess historical events in Ukraine starting in 2013. For Poland the data comes from 2012. The research is divided into thematic sections – family, politics, children, upbringing, religion, etc., and respondents are differentiated by sex and age. In all tables the total number of respondents is 1500 for Ukraine and 966 for Poland. Thus, the prospects for the development of the national economy of Ukraine and Poland are evaluated through the prism of the study of values. The transition from extractive institutions to inclusive ones is complicated by the low level of public confidence in official institutions, the low involvement of the population in the activities of the authorities, political parties, etc. The low level of financial convergence, together with low confidence in banks, makes it impossible to develop the country’s financial system, poses a threat to national economic security, and so on. At the level of official statistics, in our opinion, it is advisable to implement the concept of institutional statistics – the official statistics sector, which explores the “rules of the game”.
Authors and Affiliations
Aliaksei Zhurauliou, Sergiy Gerasymenko
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