Перспективи розвитку експортних агентств в Україні шляхом об'єднання зусиль кількох підприємств або їх асоціацій


У статті розглянуто механізм функціонування експортного кредитного агентства (ЕКА), проаналізовані основні моделі експортного фінансування танаведені переваги та недоліки ЕКА порівняно з іншими кредитними інститутами. В даній дослідницькій роботі розглянуто світовий досвід страхування експортних кредитів й визначено варіанти подальшого розвиткуекспортного кредитування та супутніх послуг в Україні. Автором запропоновано створення ЕКА на базі асоціації або декількох асоціацій підприємствУкраїни. The author describes the function mechanism of export credit agency (ECA), investigates the basic models of export financing and presents advantages and disadvantages of ECA compared with other credit institutions.Direct loans and providing financial guarantees are the basic models of export financing. It was considered the schemes and specifics of functioning of these models. The world experience of export credit insurance has been reviewed in this study. The main three groups of insurers in developed countries are describedand compared: government agencies(act on behalf of state), private insurers (act on its own behalf)and international associations(actually don’t insure export credits, just affect the market). The options for the further development concerning the establishment of export credit agency in Ukraine is identifiedthrough experience in developed countries. It was researched the regulatory framework as a base of formation of insurance strategy in Ukraine. Based on this the author suggests a creation of the ECA on the basis of the association of several producers or enterprises in Ukraine. The association is a group of individuals or legal entities which works together for a particular purpose and the members keep their independence. The reason of the creation of associationis inability one company or one financial and industrial group to provide financial support for foreign economic activities of all exporters.The association could perform the next functions as ECA:assessment financial risk and production opportunities for providing loans and guarantees; cooperation of exporters and increase of information exchange about importer’s solvency; financial guarantees could be provided to an importer for a complex of goods and services; represent interests of participants in international institutions. As a conclusion advantages and disadvantages of the associations are given by the author. On the one hand the associations are flexible with external environment, have clear segmentation interests and decentralized management. On the other hand state agencies, including foreign ones, could have bigger financial support. In this regard the associations could lose competition with them so it is inappropriate to reject state support toECA. It is rationally to create the associations as part of state policy. In Ukraine creation of the export credit agency could affect not only the financing and insurance of export which could help exporting companies to increase volumes of export, but it could lead to an improvement in economic and social sphere as well as in the whole country

Authors and Affiliations

V. V. Dyachek


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How To Cite

V. V. Dyachek (2017). Перспективи розвитку експортних агентств в Україні шляхом об'єднання зусиль кількох підприємств або їх асоціацій. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 7(14), 45-53. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-427380