Перспективні напрями вдосконалення процесу оцінювання ефективності антикорупційної політики в Україні / Upcoming Trends Related to Improvement of Effective Evaluation of Anti-Corruption Policy in Ukraine
Journal Title: Журнал східноєвропейського права - Year 2018, Vol 48, Issue
The article deals with upcoming trends related to improvement of effective evaluation of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine. The principles of review of criteria pertaining evaluation of effective state anti-corruption policy have been presented. The author has proved that limited operation, abstractiveness and declarativity of the most criteria related to evaluation of effective state anti-corruption policy do not contribute to objective consideration and evaluation of changes in society which took place after anti-corruption innovations. Some disadvantages are seen in the system of methods related to collection and analysis of information. In general this problem has an impact on achievement of expected results from implementation of anti-corruption policy and it should be reconsidered. The paper aims at analyzing of upcoming trends related to improvement of effective evaluation of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine. Prerequisite of this analysis is systematization of principles of effective state anti-corruption policy which will improve this process. The issue related to improvement of operation, reality and authenticity of criteria of effective anti-corruption policy in Ukraine has been dealt with. The ways of improvement of forms and methods dealing with collection and analysis of the mentioned criteria have been researched into. Reasonability of such upcoming trends related to review of criteria of evaluation of effective implementation of state anti-corruption policy has been proved. These trends are the following: implementation of multilevel system of evaluation of effective anti-corruption policy; introduction of differentiate approach to evaluation of effective anti-corruption policy; individualization of criteria related to evaluation of effective anti-corruption policy under institutional feature; improvement of reasonability of criteria related to evaluation of effective anti-corruption policy; division of criteria related to effective anti-corruption policy depending on territorial principle. It has been stressed that further scientific research should focus on development of mechanisms for practical implementation of proposed trends related to evaluation of effective anti-corruption policy of Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
Vitalii Demianchuk
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