«Песнопения Божественной Литургии» Порфирия Демуцкого для смешанного хора: жанровые и стилистические особенности [“The Chants of the Divine Liturgy” by Porfiriy Demutskiy for the mixed choir: genre and style features]
Journal Title: Traektoriâ Nauki - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 8
The article studies the genre and style features of the work “The Chants of the Divine Liturgy adapted for rural choirs by P. Demutskiy”. The paper analyzes the musical and verbal material as well as the structure of the work. In the process of analysis it has been established that in the Liturgy the author’s compositions by P. Demutskiy, his harmonization of everyday melodies, church tunes, melodies recorded from voice, marked “from old notes” and without indicating the source, were used. It is proved that the work is a vivid example of the Ukrainian spiritual music of the beginning of the 20th century and demonstrates the author’s (P. Demutskiy) vision of the genre in refraction through folkloric experience, which is an indicative trend of the musical culture of that period of time.
Authors and Affiliations
Marichka Marushchak
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