Peter Lombard’s on God’s Will: Sententiae, Book I, Distinctions 45-46

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 1


The global Peter Lombard research continues, but the Master of the Sentences’ theology proper is still to be analyzed in detail. In particular, a more thorough exposition of the distinctions 45-48 of his Book of Sentences, which deal with the notion of God’s will and its relation to the human free will, has for some while remained a desideratum. The given article partly fills this lacuna and elucidates on the doctrine of the divine will as presented by the Lombard. In particular, it is shown that for him there exist two ways of speaking about God’s will: «simply and absolutely» and «not simply and absolutely» which may be identified with intransitive and transitive use of the verb «to will,» respectively. The will is primarily understood in terms of execution of one’s will (active willing) but its relation to one’s desires and inclinations (wanting) are downplayed or altogether omitted from the Lombardian doctrine of God. The divine will is by definition free and efficient but Lombard highlights that there is place for human free will, too. His explanation of the relationship between the divine and the human wills seems somewhat unconvincing but the unfolding of his theory on the basis of a few biblical texts should be acknowledged a peculiar theological exercise.

Authors and Affiliations

R. Tkachenko


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How To Cite

R. Tkachenko (2018). Peter Lombard’s on God’s Will: Sententiae, Book I, Distinctions 45-46. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(1), 136-152.