Philosophy dignity: the unity of ethical and educational connotations

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 3


The article is devoted to highlighting the vital importance of the formation and strengthening particularly in terms of educational process, dignity, lack of which is accompanied and inability to reasonable definition morally justifiable principles and guidelines life Implementation, but in terms of permanent complications public, political processes, this leads to the use of ersatz values Reproduced, say media information to redress a lack of internal fullness and at least the apparent overcoming failure independent climbing to the level of existentially important respect and self-esteem as crucial prerequisites for the human ability to resist it «ontological arranged» as particularly urgent in the current technical and informational achievements . Emphasized on the significant opportunities to strengthen the dignity of future scientists through research in scientific education. In each situation, the research aims to maximize teacher demonstrate personality moves heuristic implemented thoughts, special art to synthesize various ideas and regulations, formulate new conclusions. Unusual synthesis of known claims as to solve the problem in the research, the teacher shows in the course of solving the problem of teaching, he always focused on delivering thought moves to students accordingly requires adequate methodological competence. With competence in teaching as well as in respect of updated scientific research provisions and principles, the teacher acts according to the level of students new situation, understanding of the difficulties and obstacles regarding the use of known knowledge. Research activities in the pedagogical process can therefore be considered as a means of deepening the «ethos of liberal education» (K. Yaspers) contributing to strengthening important «intellectual tension» in relations between teacher and student. But while the first can not also be in his own apprentice, deepening his understanding of how each specific pedagogical actions necessary in order to ensure students' cognitive leap «and features researched problem. By and large, the effectiveness of teaching the teacher becomes stronger degree of implementation of his «apprenticeship potential», an expression of his openness and acceptability of knowledge and publicized problems and teaching situations, largely deepen students' ability to perceive, to understand the proposed new knowledge. He must be able to constantly learn adequately assess the situation, communicate with students, bringing knowledge and grounded to change the emphasis in the first and second. This – wider compared with the student, «education» aims to provide and maintain decent atmosphere, appropriate «education» and «cultural» nature of knowledge. This «space» being the most favorable, «migration» of knowledge, of how to lose their vitality as factors of personal cognitive development. «Learning» real teacher «clearly» shows the capacity zinitsiyuvannya, formulation expertise, while also under the direct influence of his student gradually follows the manifestations of these abilities.

Authors and Affiliations

Mykola Maksyuta


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How To Cite

Mykola Maksyuta (2016). Philosophy dignity: the unity of ethical and educational connotations. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(3), 117-128.