H. Mead as social behaviorist: the problem of interpretation
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 5
The article deals with the problem of interpretation of G.H. Mead’s conception in order to clarify its relation to behavioristic methodology. Mead uses behavioristic terminology for thematization of human behavior. Mead’s arguments concerning act, language and mental phenomena are directed radically against the principles of Watson’s classical behaviorism. They suppose an aim to understand the meanings of human actions not by the means of observation but within the symbolic interactions. It is shown the perspective to regard Mead’s conception in the context of interpretative approach based on the method of understanding in social research.
Authors and Affiliations
V. Naumenko
Екзистенціальна методологія співвідношення віри та знання за К.Ясперсом
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