Petrous apex cholesteatoma: A case report
Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2012, Vol 39, Issue 2
The petrous apex is a complex region of temporal bone due to its close proximity to vital structures. Cholesteatoma in the petrous apex is rarely encountered, and most cases are congenital. These lesions often invade the labyrinth and facial canal before they are diagnosed. However, clinical findings are nonspecific and diagnosis may be delayed. Moreover, surgery of petrous apex cholesteatoma is extremely difficult. Several approaches have been reported for removal. In this article, a case of congenital petrous apex cholesteatoma with delayed diagnosis who treated with modified transcochlear approach was presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Ediz Yorgancılar, Vefa Kınış, Müzeyyen Yıldırım, Salih Bakır, Musa Özbay, Faruk Meriç
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