Phases of investing fund liquidation process – de lege lata & de lege ferenda
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1
The dissertation presents a procedure of investing fund liquidation process under the Polish laws – The Act on Investment Funds, Journal of Laws No 146, item 1546 with further amendments and The Ordinance of the Council of Ministers dated 21 June 2005, Journal of Laws No 114, item 963 with subsequent amendments. Substantive analysis thereof gave rise to suggesting a new division of the liquidation process stages. The stages are as follows: preliquidation stage, the liquidation stage and postliquidation stage. Additionally, attempts to classify in detail the sources of liquidation of the fund have been taken up and new regulations on informing the investment fund participants have been introduced. The postulates thereinunder are couched to ensure better legal protection for the investment funds participants.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Laskowski
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