Phenomenon of a late supernumerary tooth formation - two case reports

Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2012, Vol 8, Issue 2


[b]Introduction:[/b] Hyperodontia determines the presence of more than normal number of teeth. Supernumerary teeth occur with the frequency of 1 - 3% in the permanent dentition and with 0.3 - 1.8% in the primary dentition. Supernumerary teeth are usually a single phenomenon. The occurrence of multiple supernumerary teeth is usually associated with the presence of congenital defects and syndromes. Isolated occurrence of multiple supernumerary teeth is rare, this phenomenon is often observed at the premolar region in the mandible. The etiology of supernumerary teeth is not fully known. Panoramic, dental, occlusal radiographs and cone beam computed tomography CBCT are used for diagnosis of supernumerary teeth. [b]Objective:[/b] Analysis of two clinical cases with a late appearance of supernumerary teeth. [b]Cases report:[/b] First patient had two supernumerary teeth located in the mandible, at the premolar region, bilaterally. They were detected on a panoramic radiograph, that was taken during orthodontic treatment in a 12-year old patient. Supernumeraries were not visible in the panoramic radiograph at the age of 8. In the second patient eight supernumerary teeth were diagnosed: two in the anterior maxilla and six at the premolar regions in the maxilla and mandible, that were consecutively appearing over five years. [b]Conclusions[/b]: Because of the possible further occurrence of supernumerary teeth in the same patient, in selected cases it is recommended to regularly perform radiological examination during orthodontic treatment and after its completion. (Orthod. Forum 2012; 8: 71 - 80). Received: 30.03.2012 Accepted: 27.06.2012

Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Jurek, Małgorzata Zadurska, Magdalena Marczyńska-Stolarek


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How To Cite

Agnieszka Jurek, Małgorzata Zadurska, Magdalena Marczyńska-Stolarek (2012). Phenomenon of a late supernumerary tooth formation - two case reports. Forum Ortodontyczne, 8(2), 71-80.