Phenotypic changes in poppy plants (Papaver somniferum L.) after flowering and accumulation of morphine in poppy capsules. II. The study on accumulation of morphine in poppy capsules between the end of flowering and maturity

Journal Title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops - Year 2011, Vol 32, Issue 1


Due to the current law about preventing drug addiction, the Department of Genetics and Breeding of Oilseed Crops IHAR-PIB in Poznan undertook a study whose main objective was to determine the dynamic of morphine accumulation in capsules of low and high morphine poppy during plant development. On the basis of this information cultivar identification will be possible. The study was conducted during two growing seasons: 2009 and 2010, on two cultivars of low morphine: Mieszko and Rubin and one high morphine cultivar Lazur. Capsules were collected regularly, from plants marked during the flowering, twice a week from two levels of a plant: A — the main stem, B — the first lateral stem. The first harvest took place after capsule formation on the main stem and the last after full maturity. Each time capsules were taken from 10 plants of each of the poppy plantations and the morphine content was determined by colorimetric method.The presented studies illustrate the course of alkaloid accumulation in capsules according to the harvest date and capsule location on the poppy plant. The results indicate that the range of morphine content throughout the growing season is typical of both low and high morphine cultivar. Evaluation of morphine content allows unambiguous definition of the cultivar type regardless of the degree of maturity, at which a capsule is collected. The absence of significant differences between the morphine content in capsules collected from the main and lateral stems allows cultivar specification based on the analysis of arbitrarily chosen capsules. Differences in the content of morphine in capsules between low and high morphine cultivars are so big that the differences between capsules from different branches do not disturb the determining of the type of cultivars.

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Walkowiak, Maria Ogrodowczyk


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How To Cite

Magdalena Walkowiak, Maria Ogrodowczyk (2011). Phenotypic changes in poppy plants (Papaver somniferum L.) after flowering and accumulation of morphine in poppy capsules. II. The study on accumulation of morphine in poppy capsules between the end of flowering and maturity. Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops, 32(1), 47-60.