Phenotypic heterogenicity of clinical isolates of Candida parapsilosis
Journal Title: Mikologia Lekarska - Year 2008, Vol 15, Issue 3
Introduction: Candida parapsilosis is important etiological agent of hospital infections associated with colonization of intravenous lines and all types drainagesystems. The aim of the study: Description of different morphological types of clinical strains of Candida parapsilosis. Material and methods: 14 strains of Candida parapsilosis producing different phenotypic forms were examined. They were isolated from clinical specimens taken from patients hospitalized in Infant Jesus Hospital in Warsaw, Poland in year 2006. Laboratory diagnosis was performed in Myco-logical Section Clinical Microbiology of Medical University of Warsaw, Poland. The isolation and identification of cultured fungi was done according to standard mycological procedures and commercially available test ID 32C (bioMérieux). Susceptibility of the strains to antifungal agents was made by E-test (AB Biodisk). Results: Four different morphological types of Candida parapsilosiswere cultured and isolated in pure culture, presenting different macro- and microscopic feature: "smooth", "crepe", "concentric", "crater". For all examined phenotypic forms differences in assimilative reactions and drug susceptibility profile were detected. Conclusions: 1. Some strains of yeast like fungus Candida parapsilosis are able to grow in different colony feature - producing phenotypic forms: "smooth", "crepe", "concentric", "crater". 2. "Smooth" and "crepe" phenotypic forms are among the most commonly isolated. 3. Phenotypic forms of Candida parapsilosis are differ biochemically in assimilation of trehalose. 4. There are also differences in drug susceptibility pattern of phenotypic forms one clinical strain of Candida parapsilosis. "Crepe" forms are more susceptible comparing to "smooth".
Authors and Affiliations
Irena Netsvyetayeva , Ewa Swoboda-Kopeć , Maria Dąbkowska , Joanna Kądzielska , Mirosław Łuczak
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