Philosophy, Social Sciences and Humanities in Modern Universities
Journal Title: Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка - Year 2017, Vol 83, Issue 1
In the article the author analyses problem of the place of social and humanities studies (particularly Philosophic) in modern universities curricula. It is emphasized that not only facts of history but also events taking place in modern Ukraine prove actual character and importance of the problem in question as well as substantiate at least place which these courses should take in courses on the selection if it is impossible to include them into rank of compulsory ones. Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" says that the aim of the university education is a personality development by means of patriotic, legal, environmental education, approve in participants' of educational process consciousness moral values, social activity, citizenship and responsibility. It was found out that social and cultural situation requires not only outlining the essence and content of modern philosophy, clarification of its subject but also necessity to revise teachers' outlook positions (which system of values should be offered to future economists, engineers, managers, doctors, teachers, lawyers). It is highlighted that according to modern tendencies of society development should guarantee an outlook aspect of humanitarian education, form basis of students' philosophical thinking and i.e. be a compound part of future professionals' training. The author emphasized that it is historical development itself that refutes opinions about irrelevance and outdated character of Philosophy. The necessity of restoration Philosophy and its branches as university courses is stated.
Authors and Affiliations
L. V. Gorokhova
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