Physicochemical properties of additive manufacturing in dentistry. A literature review
Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2015, Vol 65, Issue 2
Additive manufacturing is a quite new fabrication method in dentistry. Possibilities of CAD/CAM in combination with laser radiation have contributed to the development of precise, replicable and low failure risk technology of producing prosthetic elements. There are a lot of additive manufacturing methods, which differ in substrates and types of chemical reactions. Selective laser sintering (SLS) and selective laser melting (SLM) are the most common methods. Accurate virtual design of the object formed considering the properties of laser light and proper choice of physical parameters of radiation determine the achievement of satisfying results. Despite high costs, additive manufacturing method has a lot of advantages, such as small number of waste products, considerably shorter time of manufacturing suprastructures and relatively low cost of producing a single element. Therefore, it can be assumed that the presented methods will be commonly used in the future. The aim of the study was to describe basic properties and applications of additive manufacturing in prosthetics.
Authors and Affiliations
Marcel Czajkowski, Jarosław Sidun, Teresa Sierpińska
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