Pilonidal sinus: Surgical outcome of lay open versus primary closure technique
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 17, Issue 2
OBJECTIVES: To compare the outcome of lay open versus primary closure technique of pilonidal sinus (PNS) in terms of bleeding, infection, hospital stay, wound healing and recurrence. METHODOLOGY: This study was conducted at the surgical outpatient clinic in Hyderabad ,India during the period February 2013 to February 2016. The study included Sixty four cases of pilonidal sinus. The choice of surgical procedure was given to the patient with consent form. Patients were followed up till 1 years for post complications and recurrence. Statistical analysis was done using chi square test. RESULTS: Out of 64 patients, 53 were male (83 %) and 11 were female (17%) with the mean age of 28+/-6 years. 37% patients opted lay open procedure and 27% primary closure technique. 44% of patients presented with painless discharging sinus and 31% showed only sinus without discharge. In terms of duration of stay in hospital in lay open method is of 4 Days and 2 days for primary closure technique. The statistical analysis showed significant p value. In terms of healing, it took a average of 6 weeks for wound epithelisation in lay open technique and 3 weeks in primary closure techniques. Post operative bleeding noted in 22% of patient with lay open technique and wound infections noted in 22% of patient with primary closure method .The rate of recurrence after 1 year of follow up, 5% of cases showed recurrence with lay open method and 15% of case with primary closure.The statistical analysis showed no significant p value . CONCLUSION: The present study concludes that primary closure can also be considered as a choice of surgical technique in treatment of plonidal disease..
Authors and Affiliations
Faiz Hussain, Bala Bramham, Shazia Parveen3, Basu Chakaravarty4
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