Piotr z Chodkowa, kanclerz książęcy, biskup płocki. Przyczynek do roli uczonych na Mazowszu w późnym średniowieczu

Journal Title: Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica - Year 2015, Vol 22, Issue 22


Piotr of Chodkowo, the chancellor of the duke, bishop of Płock. Contribution to the role of scholars in Mazovia in the late Middle Ages Piotr Chodkowski, the Chancellor of the Princes of Mazovia, Bishop of Płock, was one of the greatest scholars of Mazovia of the late 15th c. He was a son of yokel-miller from Chodkowo (village belonging to the Płock cathedral chapter) in the Land of Wyszogród. He graduated from the University of Cracow and further studied in Bologna where he completed his doctorate in medicine. After returning to Mazovia Piotr was an educator of the younger sons of Bolesław IV, Prince of Mazovia. After the death of Jan Słęka from Główczyn (1471) he became chancellor of the princes: Bolesław V and Janusz II. He was responsible for the metric and a treasury book of the ducal court. Work at the office and princely patronage brought him numerous benefices and high revenue. The culmination of his ecclesiastical career was appointment for the bishopric at Płock in December 1480. As the bishop he convened three synods, also took care of other needs of the diocese. He was the founder of the chapel of St. Peter in the cathedral in Płock, Hospital of the Holy Spirit in Pułtusk, and other sacred works and charities. He died in August 1497 and was buried in the cathedral in Płock, in the chapel he founded.

Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Grabowski


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Janusz Grabowski (2015). Piotr z Chodkowa, kanclerz książęcy, biskup płocki. Przyczynek do roli uczonych na Mazowszu w późnym średniowieczu. Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica, 22(22), 107-119. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-319131