Bishop’s and dean’s visitations are valuable source material about
Catholic parishes in Poland. They describe in detail the life of the church
institutions, even year by year in the case of dean’s visitations. It is no d...
This article is about archeological research that was carry out in the
area of AZP Wólka Dulecka (Radomyśl Wielki region).The research was
conducted with members of Mielec Aeroclub and it allowed to find and
extract wrec...
This article aims to explain the meaning and to present the theology
resulting from the rites of conferring the insignia according to The
Rites of the Ordination of Bishops, Presbyters and Deacons of 1990. The
analysis o...
Wizytacja dziekańska dekanatu kolbuszowskiego z roku 1923
Bishop’s and dean’s visitations are valuable source material about Catholic parishes in Poland. They describe in detail the life of the church institutions, even year by year in the case of dean’s visitations. It is no d...
[Recenzja:] Ziemia Grybowska. Pogórze Rożnowskie, Pogórze Ciężkowickie, Góry Grybowskie – Beskid Niski, Dolina Białej, red. S. Kubis, wyd. Appen Karpaty, Komorów 2016, ss. 98, ISBN 978-83-64883-08-8
Krótka informacja o wynikach badań ratowniczych przeprowadzonych w Radomyślu Wielkim (pow. Mielec) na miejscu katastrofy lotniczej z czasów II wojny światowej
This article is about archeological research that was carry out in the area of AZP Wólka Dulecka (Radomyśl Wielki region).The research was conducted with members of Mielec Aeroclub and it allowed to find and extract wrec...
Mistagogia przekazania insygniów w świetle Obrzędów święceń biskupa, prezbiterów i diakonów z 1999 roku
This article aims to explain the meaning and to present the theology resulting from the rites of conferring the insignia according to The Rites of the Ordination of Bishops, Presbyters and Deacons of 1990. The analysis o...
Laudacja z okazji wręczenia Nagrody Naukowej im. Dra Kazimierza Skowrońskiego przez Zarząd Regionalnego Towarzystwa Kultury w Kolbuszowej Panu Mgrowi Krzysztofowi Haptasiowi