Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 16
У статті розглянуто впровадження інформаційних технологій в закладах вищої освіти за шести моделями: навчання по типу екстернат, на базі університету, у віртуальному навчальному середовищі, тощо. Розглядається означення дистанційної освіти, як явища впровадження он-лайн технологій, а саме платформ дистанційного навчання: Moodle, Pleiad, Promethee, WebCT, LearningSpace, Claroline, ACOLAD, Ganesha, VirtualU, тощо. Представлені види та типи платформ. Більшу увагу приділено складним платформам, які можуть включати можливість педагогічного проектування та поширення. В них розглянуто основі характеристики, переваги та недоліки у роботі. The article deals with the introduction of information technologies in education in six models: external type training, university-based, virtual learning environment, etc. Each model takes into account the possibility of on-the-spot consultations with an on-line or on-site teacher, but special attention is paid to the online learning technologies. For educational institutions of Ukraine, distance learning is a new phenomenon, so it is advisable to consider the basics of the introduction of online technologies. Adoption of legislative acts provides a normative basis for the functioning of a new education system, but the introduction of online technologies is impossible without a reliable basis, that is the platform of distance learning. In our time there are many platforms for distance learning and their number does not cease to grow with each passing year. Platforms can be free, paid or leased, as well as tailor-made or not to the specific needs of the organization or institution. The definition of distance learning as the phenomenon of the introduction of online technologies, namely, distance learning platforms: Moodle, Pleiad, Promethee, WebCT, LearningSpace, Claroline, ACOLAD, Ganesha, VirtualU, etc. are considered. The types and types of platforms are presented. A negative tendency has been identified that platform publishers often try to put pedagogical problems to the fore, the first place is compatibility with standards and simplification of the creation, management and maintenance of training, which for the clientele indicates a reduction in costs. The sress is made onto the usage of positive and negative sides of distance education platforms. The positive in usage of platforms is the promotion of cooperation between students but we note that on many platforms, the simple addition of communication activities is used to encourage students to work together, assuming that the introduction of communication tools will be sufficient to ensure that there is real cooperation. Another negative trend when using platforms is that the tutors often use asynchronous means of communication in their activities, but do not use specific means, designed specifically for remote support. Asynchronous means allow them to only get acquainted with the parts of the course, reviewed by students, but the tutors do not have any information about the activities of students More attention is paid to complex platforms, which may include the possibility of pedagogical design and distribution.
Authors and Affiliations
Оксана Анатоліївна Сивак, Микита Віталійович Сарбаш
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