Plethoric facies – multidisciplinary problem. Histamine intolerance secondary to reduced diamine oxydase activity

Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2014, Vol 27, Issue 12


A 70-year-old woman with plethoric and burning cheeks was diagnosed in Department of Endocrinology with suspicion of carcinoid syndrome a few years ago. From time to time she had headache, stomach ache and arthralgia. Because of non-specific symptoms she was diagnosed by dermatologists, rheumatologists and allergologists. She was treated with steroids, antihistamines, antibiotics, colchicine, benzodiazepines and for a short-acting somatostatin. In spite of multidisciplinary tests and treatments the etiology of symptoms remained unknown. Medicines used to treat, often empiric was unsuccessful. After few years she conducted blood tests in histamine level and it was elevated. The diamine oxidase (DAO) was marked to examine histamine excess. DAO is the main enzyme for the metabolism of ingested histamine and it was undetectable in her blood test. She was diagnosed with histamine intolerance. Low-histamine diet was prescribed with good clinical effects.People with plethoric and burning cheeks should be diagnosed with histamine intolerance. The DAO activity was helpful in histamine intolerance diagnosis.

Authors and Affiliations

Elżbieta Karpińska-Gasztoł, Małgorzata Gutowska, Piotr Zdunowski, Wojciech Zgliczyński


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Elżbieta Karpińska-Gasztoł, Małgorzata Gutowska, Piotr Zdunowski, Wojciech Zgliczyński (2014). Plethoric facies – multidisciplinary problem. Histamine intolerance secondary to reduced diamine oxydase activity. Postępy Nauk Medycznych, 27(12), -.