Почесний попечитель Мринської Людмилинської школи Павло Степанович Коробка / The honorary trustee of Mryn Ludmiliv women school P. S. Korobka


Late XIX - early XX centuries are called "golden age" of Ukrainian philanthropy. Abolition of serfdom, which led to socio-economic transformation, development of market economy and entrepreneurship led the revitalization of social and cultural activities. It is under these conditions and expanded the scope of patrons. A significant development in this period has become a social charity, which was reflected in the care of socially disadvantaged groups (the poor, homeless, abandoned children, sick, etc.) and the construction of a number of institutions, which often appropriated the names of the founders, or their next of kin. The article is devoted to Pavlo Stepanovichy Korobka who was the Ukrainian enlightener and a patron of art of the Chernihiv province. A vital way and public activity of philanthropist is probed in the article. It is shown P.S. Korobka’s publicly useful activity and his contribution to the development of native town Mrin. Exactly here It is here for his assistance an initial two-year college, Stone Virgin Church, Leonidiv handicraft school for boys, Ludmylivskyy female school, hospital, hospice, reading-rooms, fire brigade, teahouses, brickwork, weaving and weave-baskets workshop were built and equipped. Special attention is given to educational institutions – a trade school and Ludmylivskyy Girls School of Agriculture and Home Economics gardening, which provided training specialists in agriculture, which in turn made it possible to ensure adequate staff countryside and contributed to a more rational use of land resources and improve the financial situation of villagers. It is displayed their role and importance to the society of those times. Prominent place in the article is devoted to Ludmylivskyy Girls School. It is shown the internal rules of the school, the learning process; covers the history of the institution and a brief description of its activities. For 35 years of public activity P. Korobka made a significant contribution to the development of education. As a true patriot, Pavlo Stepanovych realized that improving the economic situation of the country primarily depends on the efficiency of land holdings, from skills to practice the acquired knowledge. For availability of appropriate staff in the agricultural sector, would give the opportunity not only to raise the economic standard of living of the inhabitants of the rural districts, however, and indeed, throughout the country.

Authors and Affiliations

Alona Brovko


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How To Cite

Alona Brovko (2017). Почесний попечитель Мринської Людмилинської школи Павло Степанович Коробка / The honorary trustee of Mryn Ludmiliv women school P. S. Korobka. Історичні студії суспільного прогресу, 5(), 125-130. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-503613