Poetycki teatrzyk małych form dramatycznych na łamach „Muchy” i „Kolców” w latach siedemdziesiątych XIXwieku


The repertoire of humorous periodicals, even at its early inception, allows to be organized according to numerous criteria – thematic, genealogical, formal and aesthetic ones. One can distinguish marriage and family, professional and social, fantastic and parody dramas. Te selected types penetrate each other. Formal parody was signaled by subtitles containing the qualifcation that determined the formal shape of the work. In this way the newspaper theater revived the conventions revoked by the literary reform of Romanticism. A theater of Paris cabarets was to soon follow in its footsteps with the projects of great 19th century stage reformers – and this is not the only resemblance to the later cabaret art that could be found in this 1870s newspaper theater.

Authors and Affiliations

Marek Dybizbański


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  • EP ID EP330101
  • DOI 10.18318/wiekxix.2017.8
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How To Cite

Marek Dybizbański (2017). Poetycki teatrzyk małych form dramatycznych na łamach „Muchy” i „Kolców” w latach siedemdziesiątych XIXwieku. Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza, 0(0), 127-140. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-330101