Poetyka emocji: harmonia dźwięków i relacja Ja – Ty w opowiadaniu Vladimira Nabokova Dźwięki
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2019, Vol 1, Issue 0
The subject of discussion in the article is the way the protagonist of Vladimir Nabokov’s short story Sounds perceives the world. The sense-forming function of the sound as a literary trick, serv-ing to conceptualize the image of the world and the descriptions of emotional states of Nabokov’s characters, is revealed. It is proved that due to the recollective strategy (reconstructing in his mem-ory the day of parting with the beloved) the protagonist-artist perceives the ubiquitous harmony of sounds in the surrounding reality and at the same time recognizes (Gadamer) his own feelings that once bound him with his beloved. The “rhythmic order” of nature experienced by the protagonist evokes associations with Pythagorean reflection on the existence of permanent dependencies be-tween the rhythm of the Cosmos and the rhythms of man. This finds its expression in Nabokov’s short story in showing the intermingling of the worlds: establishing a relationship (unity) between the internal (emotional) and external (nature) world, between micro and macrocosm. The act of rec-ollection itself inscribes in a strategy of tranforming memories: forming in imagination a different image of the lovers’ parting and creating another – a dreamed image of the beloved.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Ułanek
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