Poezja ukraińska w języku polskim w służbie religijnej polemiki początku XVII wieku : (Hipacy Pociej - Melecjusz Smotrycki)
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 1997, Vol 1, Issue 0
Authors and Affiliations
Rotysław Radyszewśkyj
Экзистенциализм Витольда Гомбровича и Георгия Иванова
In the present article a comporative analysis of the novel Ferdidurke by Gombrowich and the story Disintegration of Atom by George Ivanov that were published at the same time and that were interpreted as an artistic real...
O nazwach własnych w polskim i angielskim przekładzie sztuki Дракон Eugeniusza Szwarca
In the article we analyze proper nouns occurring in Evgeny Schwartz’s Дракон. A very important aspect which should be considered in the play’s translation is its intertextuality. The author refers to other works by takin...
Świat poezji Ełły Krylowej
Ella Krylova belongs to the generation of Russian poets whose creative path started almost simultaneously with the birth of new Russia. Today she is the author of over ten poetry collections, she regularly publishes her...
"Тајне живота и стваралаштва", Богдан Косановић, Сремски Карловци 1999
Идея всеславянского единства и Первый Славянский конгресс в Исповеди Михаила Бакунина
In the spotlight of the author there is a Confession of Mikhail Bakunin that is the unique personal, historical and political document. The letter was created by the prisoner of the Petropavlovsk fortress, state prisoner...