Policy Strategy for Transaction Speed, Data Security and Regulation in the Banking Industry: A Case Study on Bank Jatim Karesidenan Kediri and the Impact of its Contribution to Bank Performance

Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2023, Vol 6, Issue 12


Bank Jatim Karesidenan Kediri needs to improve customer data security by developing the right policy strategy. Policies that need to be implemented include multi clouds with homomorphic encryption, managerial security awareness with Big Data Solution vendor reputation, and the use of holistic data warehouses in data privacy health architectures. In addition, Bank Jatim needs to pay attention to banking regulations and restrictions on access to activities between countries to minimize data security risks and increase customer trust. This study uses quantitative design and interview and observation instruments to obtain reviews on delay conditions in transactions, customer data security, banking regulations, and benefits for Bank Jatim Karesidenan Kediri. implement appropriate policy strategies such as multi clouds with homomorphic encryption, managerial security awareness with Big Data Solution vendor reputation, and using holistic data warehouses in data privacy health architectures. In addition, Bank Jatim also needs to pay attention to banking regulations and limit access to activities between countries to minimize data security risks and increase customer trust. Through the implementation of the right policy strategy, it can improve financial performance, expand the reach of customer services, and maintain its position in the midst of today's banking industry competition. The implementation of policy strategies must be carried out accurately and agilely in order to optimize bank performance and performance.

Authors and Affiliations

Djunaedi, Nur Laely, Angga Rizka Lidiawan, Dita Riyanto Putro


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  • EP ID EP726129
  • DOI 10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i12-102
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How To Cite

Djunaedi, Nur Laely, Angga Rizka Lidiawan, Dita Riyanto Putro (2023). Policy Strategy for Transaction Speed, Data Security and Regulation in the Banking Industry: A Case Study on Bank Jatim Karesidenan Kediri and the Impact of its Contribution to Bank Performance. International Journal of Social Science And Human Research, 6(12), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-726129