Political Communication and Religion: Chance of Association

Journal Title: Mütefekkir - Year 2016, Vol 3, Issue 6


In spite of the influence of the religious thought on the political or social life, the studies that analyze the relation of religion with interpersonal, social and political communication in Turkey seem to be little if any. It is possible to relate this rarity to many reasons. Yet, the stance, which imprisons thought into specific areas, is also visible at academic environment. Both the unfounded allegations that state religion has nothing to do with communication and the forceful approach which estimates religion to be the core of all, do not correspond to the academic ethics. Nevertheless, the literature review regarding the religion and communication seems to be more accessible at “non-Turkish” sources. Along with those who relate religious behaviour with violence and dogma, some other studies claim that religious feeling makes a communication to last in a more dignified way. Here it is possible to associate the tendency relating religion to violence, with the latest global “anti-religion” movements which mostly rooted at islamophobic perspective. Yet, using religion in political communication or handling it as a way of propaganda is more visible in Middle Eastern countries although rarely seen in Western ones as well. In this regard, this study aims to (a) present a literature review of religious communication, (b) highlight the religious patterns of communication, (c) tell about the political background of religious discourse (d) illustrate the reasons of increasing usage of religious doctrines in political communication and campaigning in Muslim societies and its reflection in the socio-political mirror.

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  • EP ID EP617142
  • DOI 10.30523/mutefekkir.284536
  • Views 132
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How To Cite

Ekmel GEÇER (2016). Political Communication and Religion: Chance of Association. Mütefekkir, 3(6), 273-288. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-617142