Political myth-making like process forming of consciousness mass in modern Ukraine
Journal Title: ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ - Year 2013, Vol 5, Issue 3
The article explains the idea that political myth – a form of synthesis of mythological and political consciousness and is emotionally charged sensory perception of political reality, which largely replaces and supersedes the real idea about it. The political myth-making is seen as a deliberate rational action on the subject of conscious creation myth (in Ukraine is – the powers that be, the oligarchs, the political elites, the owners of the media) to – to form a certain consciousness of the masses, which is why myth is programmed to manipulate. The article discloses a process for the artificial creation of political myths in the process of myth-making. The basic stages of the process of myth-making (the definition of a rational concept of myth and facts that its complement, the choice of an archetype, which is based on a myth, selection of rituals that accompany created the myth, the choice of methods of introduction and spread of political myth). Consider some technologies used in the process of myth-making. Attention is drawn to the dangers of destructive myths and the necessity of absolute (single positive state) myth.
Authors and Affiliations
Vladimir Kravtsenyuk
Address to the Bulgarian readers
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