Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 18
Аналізується політична корупція у країнах Південної Європи на прикладі Іспанії. Акцентується на взаємозв’язку між політичною корупцією та затяжною фінансовоекономічною кризою, яка розпочалася у 2008 році. Констатовано, що Іспанія належить до висококорумпованих країн ЄС, хоча за останні п’ять років було зроблено багато законодавчих новацій для призупинення руйнівного впливу політичної корупції. Привертається увага до надвисокого рівня готовності населення до корупції, проблем прозорості фінансування політичних партій, падіння авторитету інституту монархії через корупцію в середовищі династії Трастамара. Констатується істотний вплив корупції на державне та приватне життя в Іспанії. The study analyzes political corruption in the countries of Southern Europe on the example of Spain. It emphasizes the correlation between the political corruption and the lingering financial and economic crisis that began in 2008. It is stated in the article that Spain belongs to the highly corrupt countries of EU, although many legislative innovations were adopted within the last five years in order to suspend the damaging effects of political corruption. It draws attention to the extremely high level of readiness for corruption among the Spanish population, transparency issues in financing of political parties, decline in the authority of monarchy institution due to corruption among the Trastámara dynasty. It notes a significant impact of corruption practices on public and private life in Spain. The article addresses the permanent increase of distrust towards traditional parties, which is characteristic for Spain. It is determined as a result of constant corrupt acts among party institutions. As a result of the high level of distrust, after the parliamentary elections in 2015 the country was on the verge of large-scale political crisis (300 days without government). Corruption is characteristic not only for the public authorities and political parties of Spain, but also for the monarchy institutions. It strongly undermines the authority of the state on the international stage. The article analyzes the problems with lawfulness, which arose on the grounds of corruption of Infanta Cristina and her husband I. Urdangarín (tax evasion, money laundering through a public fund). For many years deep rootking of problems with insufficient reporting of budgetary expenditures, inefficiency and abuse in public administration sphere, poorly controlled by anticorruption organs, were characteristic for Spain. But it was the beginning of the economic crisis in 2008 when the public opinion polls concluded a sharp increase in corruption. Spaniards defined government agencies, regional authorities, municipalities and political parties as the corruption epicenters. Corruption is such a massive and lingering problem in Spain that nowadays the Spaniards themselves see it as integral part of the country’s culture. However, the article draws attention also to the fact that in the recent year the government anto-corruption measures have intensified. A number of regulations obliging the political parties to report their finances to the state control bodies was adopted. The main task is to stop the misuse of state and party funds. Recently not only the high officials, but also all politicans have been obliged to publish data on their income, information about their trips, property objects etc. According to a newly introduced rule, a public servant after leaving his or her office has to declare the income and property, which will make it possible for the concerned public and anti-corruption organs to check the compliance of reporting person’s expenditures and incomes. Despite the high number of legislative innovations in combating political corruption, the Spanish practice shows that adopting anti-curruption laws, aimed on enabling transparency of politics, is not enough. It also requires commitment and consistency of political actors in their implementation. It is an urgent problem not only for the country analyzed. The article states that this problem is characteristic also for Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
I. Kushnarov
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